Valentino Rossi, Stoner - Lorenzo Battle

Valentino Rossi, Stoner  - Lorenzo Battle - Valentino Rossi was not involved in the competition to be world champion this season. Even so, The Doctor claimed enthusiastic about the fierce competition that took place between Casey Stoner and Jorge Lorenzo.

There are 20 points which is now the separation distance between Stoner with Lorenzo at the top of the standings. With competition always fierce between the two in each race and the race that still leaves eight more series, the competition between them would be fun until the end of the season.

Stoner is so far superior to remember he's already won five races, while Lorenzo only miss twice. Still, Rossi said that the rivalry of two drivers were still very wide open, especially the second half of the season is still there that can change many things.

"For me, kejuraan this year is still wide open and I think Stoner was a little faster, but Jorge is also very fast and very strong mentally," said Rossi as reported by MCN.
In addition to the matter of drivers, Rossi also saw that Honda and Yamaha have the benefits of each of the characters different tracks. This is what makes the competition between the drivers from Australia and Spain it will be heated through.

"I think on the track like Laguna Seca, like a truck stop and go, Honda has the advantage over Yamaha and Yamaha at the same time could compete with Honda on a trajectory of rapid and smooth."
"Twenty points is nothing and I think it would be a great fight in the second half of the season. For me Stoner may be faster and more powerful Lorenzo, so it all depends which is more important," he concluded.


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